It is the bedrock of spiritual belief and practices, which predate the religious and faiths traditions of latter Australians. The Australian Charter believes it is incumbent on us, as late-comers to this sacred land, to slow down, to listen and engage with the stories and lore of our First Nations Peoples. The practice of ‘Dadirri’ of deep listening, offers a first step in walking together towards understanding, truth-telling, reconciliation, and justice for all.
Upon this bedrock, the valued religious practices of our first Christian settlers, which shaped so many of our educational, health and social institutions and, the cultural and faith traditions of our migrant communities, mean the Australian landscape is rich and diverse in its cultural, spiritual and religious practice. Added to this diversity, is a trend towards a growing secularism, with many people not aligned to any religious or faith groups and others describing themselves as ‘spiritual not religious. The Australian Charter, sees compassion, which is central to all religious and faith traditions and a human value and aspiration, as a galvanizing factor, which can bring people of different beliefs and traditions (or none) together. The Interspiritual Action of the Australian Charter, seeks to provide servant-leadership in this significant sector of Australian society, creating space for conversation, brokering understanding and facilitating partnerships aimed at responding to the pressing issues of Australian society including some meta-issues including indigenous recognition and reconciliation; the environment and climate change; nuclear disarmament and peace.
In many cities across the planet, religious, spiritual, and interfaith groups have been catalysts for a city-wide initiative. We will share here some of those stories…
The Charter for Compassion is launching a new community called Sacred Space where we can all gather for renewal weekly for the purpose of feeling peace within and allowing our human unity to fuel compassionate action. Join us April 4th to be led in an interspiritual meditation by Rev. Natasha Korshak and global sacred music by Cliff Berrien.