Compassion and Social Justice

Experiences in connection were included because human communities are only as healthy as our conceptions of human nature. It has long been assumed that selfishness, greed and competitiveness lie at the core of human behaviour, the products of our evolution. It takes little imagination to see how these assumptions have guided most realms of human affairs, from policy making to media portrayals of social life. Recent scientific findings forcefully challenge this view of human nature. Compassion is deeply rooted in our brains, our bodies and in the most basic ways we communicate.” (Dacher Keltner, Professor of psychology, UC, Berkeley)

Compassion and Social Justice Events Occurring Across Australia

Hair Aid

Hair Aid

Hairdresser Darren from HairAid and a band of others offered free haircuts and pleasingly throughout the week over 65 haircuts were provided to those who needed them. Local hairdressers also volunteered and from their feedback it was clear that their experience had opened their eyes to their assumptions about who could not afford a haircut, allowing them to see the person and not the stereotype – giving them a different perspective of what they imagined homeless people would be.