Compassion Ballarat (CB) is a network that connects the compassionate work occurring across its city and provides educational resources, organizing tools, and avenues for communication. Members of the CB Steering group work in areas of public policy, education, health, business, and the wider community. Our focus is on developing and nurturing our city’s social infrastructure. Compassionate Ballarat aims to:
For more information
f: @CompassionateBallarat
Download: Compassionate Ballarat 2021 Report >>
Healing Collective Trauma >> Michael Jones
The City of Gold Coast, Australia’s sixth largest, signed the Charter for Compassion and become a Compassionate City on 21 September 2017, in the lead up to the Hosting of the 2018 Commonwealth Games. An Appreciative Inquiry initiative, facilitated by the Multifaith Advisory & Action Group and Griffith University’s Centre of Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue, which drew student leaders from 12 local high schools and explored the “Compassionate City” theme was a catalyst to the engagement of Mayor Tom Tate, the City’s Signing and subsequent appointment of Cr Glenn Tozer, as a Compassion Ambassador. At the same time, the City was recognized as the first World Kindness City. Compassionate Gold Coast was established as a not-for-profit Organisation to serve the City, a Compassion Council was former and Terry Ayling was appointed as Facilitator.
Our Vision
A Gold Coast in which compassion and compassionate action, as articulated in the Charter, will motivate individuals and communities to care for each other and to relieve suffering, wherever it is found.
Hurting Places in our City
In a series of consultations, the following hurting places were identified in Our City:
Our Approach
To evoke compassion within Our City and respond to these hurting places by:
A Multi-Sectorial Approach
Across the 12 Sectors of our City (Arts; Business; Education; Environment; Healthcare; Peace; Religion/Interfaith/Spirituality; Restorative Justice; Science & Research; Social Justice; Social Services; Sport & Recreation), each year our Compassion Council selects 3 Sectors to focus on. These are currently Education; Healthcare & Religion/Interfaith/Spirituality.
Some Key Activities
Compassionate City Appreciative Inquiry Session (High School Leaders, 2017); Compassion in Health Care, Compassion at the End-of-Life and Compassion in Mental Health Symposiums (2018, 2019); Compassion Innovation Challenge (University Student Leaders, 2018); Breaking Faith Open Initiative; Interfaith Harmony Music Festival; Annual World Kindness Day & Compassion Awards.
For more information
f: @CompassionateGoldCoast
e: Terry Ayling
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